Teaching Bible-based principles for life, EMBRACE Equine Ministry serves anyone with a desire to learn how to restore, renew or rebuild healthy, trusting relationships. We provide group sessions as well as opportunities for one-on-one time with session leaders.

"They are seriously the most loving women I have ever met. They opened my eyes to the love of Jesus in a way I never knew existed." - UGM participant
"I can honestly say that if it wasn't for the ladies at EMBRACE, I'd probably be dead." - Teen participant
It is our hearts desire that your time here with us is filled with the love and power of Jesus Christ, while caring for and interacting with horses. We desire to be intentional about learning from and experiencing God during your time with us, whether it's four weeks, or ten weeks! At the end of our program we will reminisce and process about all that God has done in your life during that time. We will also evaluate how to move forward with you in regards to EMBRACE. We look forward to our time together!
Our sessions are unique in that every horse provided is owned and cared for by a volunteer session leader. While not all of our session leaders own a horse, each session leader is well acquainted with the personalities and motivations of every horse provided. Sessions are one-on-one and follow an outline that acts as a spring board for the Holy Spirit to lead session leaders to a deeper connection, and meet the root of the participants needs moment to moment. For a closer look at our session, click "More."
We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our staff serves participants on a 100% volunteer basis. No one is paid for what they do at EMBRACE because our heart is, first and foremost, to share the gospel with anyone in need regardless of their financial standing. Donations go directly to things like our insurance, horse sponsorship, training and more. For more details about how you can help by adding your name or company to our list of donors, click "More."
Get Involved
We would love for you to get involved with us! We are always in need for volunteers, even if you'd just like to be on an on-call basis or serve in a specific manner. If you're looking to become a participant, or you know someone who would benefit from our program, click more to go to our appropriate pages.