Inactive Ministry Horses
What happens to horses after they're done serving in ministry? Read about them here!

Arabian | Sorrel Gelding | 2002-2017 | Height: 15.1 Hands
Arabian | Sorrel Gelding | 2002-2017 | Height: 15.1 Hands
Beau was a walking miracle. His story has been one of redemption from the very beginning. As a colt, he and the rest of his herd were sold. In 2003 a kind man found Beau as a young stallion locked in a barn in Texas in really rough conditions. He convinced the owner to sell Beau to him, and quickly brought him to Harrison, Idaho where his son owned a quarter horse ranch. The owners of the ranch put Beau out to pasture because he was different than the other horses. They didn't want anyone to know they had an Arabian among quarter horses.
Unfortunately, a year later the people who owned the ranch decided to include Beau in a truckload of horses bound for sale to be run through as open stock. Destined for a horrible outcome, God intervened on Beau's life once again.
Instead, the ranch agreed to sell Beau to a couple who really loved him and who, six years later, would use him to serve at-risk youth through a Christian horse therapy program in the Coeur D’Alene area. He helped a little boy say the words, “I love you” for the first time, an autistic girl learn the gift of touch, and an abused teen finally share her darkest secrets. Many heartbroken people have begun the healing process by burying tear-covered faces in his mane.
Unfortunately, when God is at work the Enemy works overtime. It wasn't long after Beau began his work with the program that he was found in the pasture with a broken leg. An investigation showed no obvious reasons for the injury, but the Enemy was determined to destroy the work God was doing for others through this wonderful horse. After many tears, a lot of prayer and the confidence of a talented equine orthopedic doctor, Beau's owners decided to try to fix his broken leg. The surgery was successful, and even though Beau couldn’t carry the weight and go the distances he did in the past, he continued to fulfill his gift of healing hearts and lives.
Beau taught people about God's endless gifts of mercy, grace, faith and love. He began a new journey with EMBRACE in March 2016 where he served as a living example that miracles do, in fact, happen. Beau's story is a great rescue story, but even more than that it is a beautiful example of God's love for His children. Beau was blessed to have a savior in his owners. They looked past his brokenness and saw beauty, strength and an amazing future. They were willing to pay the price to save his life, just like Jesus paid the price once and for all for the sin and brokenness of the world on the cross. It doesn't matter what your past looks like, what you've done or what's been done to you, Jesus sees your beauty, strength, and an amazing future. He'll forgive you because He loves you, and He wants to use your story in a new and wonderful way in this life and in eternity.
Unfortunately our beloved Beau passed away in the fall of 2017. We are so blessed to have had him as part of our ministry and his story continues to touch the hearts of many.
Lil' Joe
Paint | Palomino, Gelding | 2007-2019 | Height: 15.3 Hands
Paint | Palomino, Gelding | 2007-2019 | Height: 15.3 Hands
2019 was Lil' Joe's debut year with EMBRACE. He was born on Mother's Day in the arms of one of our EMBRACE staff, Buffy, in California in 2007 and never left her side. Lil' Joe was expected to be relatively small, hence his name, but the Lord decided he needed a body big enough to hold his big heart and spunky nature.
Always willing to try anything, and famous for his big trot and kicking up his heels in joy when going into a lope, Lil Joe brought a lot of light and life into Buffy's life and the hearts of the participants blessed to meet him.
Unfortunately Lil' Joe had an accident in the winter of 2019 that led to an injury from which he was unable to recover. He's now in greener pastures up in heaven. Buffy was blessed to receive a vision shortly after his passing of Jesus riding that perpetual joyful buck, loping across wide open plains with a grin holding onto Lil Joe's flowing palomino mane.

Quarter Horse, AQHA ~ Bay Mare ~ 2004-2021 ~ Height: 15.3 Hands
Quarter Horse, AQHA ~ Bay Mare ~ 2004-2021 ~ Height: 15.3 Hands
Missy was an integral part of EMBRACE from it's inception. Originally owned by Renae, Missy was a very special horse who connected with many of the participants because of her sensitivity. It wouldn't take much more than a thought to direct Missy where a rider wanted her to go. She was incredibly eager to please and would try her heart out to do what was asked of her.
Missy taught many EMBRACE participants that relationships couldn't be forced and didn't need a heavy hand in order to work. Rather, she showed everyone that an incredible bond could be had between two partners by simply asking for what you want and having clear boundaries. Many people connected with Missy because of her kind and gentle eye, her ability to know what her rider wanted with the gentlest of touches, and her smooth trot and easy lope.
In 2018 Missy retired from her time at EMBRACE to become one little girls' only horse. Due to an injury from which she was unable to recover despite her family spending more than two years providing the best care possible to restore her to full health. She was released to greener pastures in heaven in December 2021.

Appendix Thoroughbred ~ Bay Gelding ~ DOB: 2008 ~ Height: 16.1 Hands
Appendix Thoroughbred ~ Bay Gelding ~ DOB: 2008 ~ Height: 16.1 Hands
Beau-Rapha came to EMBRACE in the winter of 2017 shortly after our beloved Arabian Beau passed away. He arrived from southern Idaho with hopes that he would be ministry ready after a season of training. It became apparent that while Beau was a great horse, he didn't quite have the predictability needed in order to be a safe ministry horse.
However, Beau-Rapha taught us all that while he wasn't ready for traditional ministry like the rest of our horses, he had a ministry all of his own. One of our staff was going through a difficult season of loss and grief and Beau-Rapha became her project. Her job was to help him learn to trust people again. Through consistent work and much time, the bond of trust was slowly built. What formed between the staff member and this big boy helped both of them learn to let another beating heart join their own in the journey of life. Beau-Rapha learned how to trust a person to keep him safe, even through some pretty scary adventures. In turn, he helped the staff member persevere in a season she wanted to give up.
Beau was sold in October 2018 to a teenage girl in northern Idaho and is currently in training for dressage and jumping as well as trail riding.

Quarter Horse ~ Paint Mare ~ DOB: 2012 ~ Height: 15.2 Hands
Quarter Horse ~ Paint Mare ~ DOB: 2012 ~ Height: 15.2 Hands
Feather was as steady as they came. A relatively young horse, she was purchased for just $500 dollars by Sarah Buck and quickly began training. She assisted with ministry often when EMBRACE began regular sessions.
One prominent point in Feather's ministry days happened on a cold winter day during an EMBRACE break. One of the staff took a friend to meet Feather. The woman was going through an intense time of grief but couldn't bring herself to let go of the emotions inside. She struggled to find peace and connection in this difficult season. She stood beside Feather in the barn and began stroking her neck. Feather's eyes began to close and she leaned her head into the woman, pressing her forehead against the woman's chest. As tears began to form, the woman held Feather's head in her arms and wept, her tears of release disappearing into Feather's mane. They held each other as the woman who couldn't bring herself to grieve, found the strength to let go in the embrace of this wonderful horse.
Feather has since retired from ministry in the fall of 2018 and is now spending her days with a girl all her own.

Quarter Horse~ Buckskin, Mare ~ DOB: 2008 ~ Height: 15.0 Hands
Quarter Horse~ Buckskin, Mare ~ DOB: 2008 ~ Height: 15.0 Hands
I was just two and a half when my mom, Linda, picked me up from a friend of hers in Utah. They were using me for roping and stuff like that but it wasn't really my thing. I'm much happier out on the trail. I'm pretty quiet, patient and calm and I don't get spooked very easily. I get along with just about everyone too, and everyone says I'm very sweet. I tend to have much more "whoa" than "go." Why not take our time enjoying the journey?
*Fancy became inactive in 2019 when her owner needed to make more time looking after family struggling with health issues. Fancy continues to love the trail and is looking forward to returning to EMBRACE when she and her owner are able.

Quarter Horse, AQHA ~ Golden Palomino, Mare ~ DOB: 2012 ~ Height: 15.3 Hands
Quarter Horse, AQHA ~ Golden Palomino, Mare ~ DOB: 2012 ~ Height: 15.3 Hands
My registered name is Frenchman's Gold Lady. I'm a golden palomino and my mom tells me I'm beautiful all the time. I love go to out in the woods and jump over logs and play in the water. However, my favorite pastime is eating... preferably green grass. I love affection and will let you scratch my ears and rear all day long. I would even come in the house if my mom would let me! I love to run fast but I definitely need my rest as a girl needs her beauty sleep.
*Lady and her owner stepped down from the ministry due to time constraints with work and other responsibilities, but Lady continues to enjoy her love and affection from her mom and the occasional trail ride in the mountains. They both look forward to returning to EMBRACE when they're able.

Morgan ~ Bay Gelding ~ DOB: 2000 ~ Height: 15.3 Hands
Morgan ~ Bay Gelding ~ DOB: 2000 ~ Height: 15.3 Hands
Beamer was very kind and had a gentleman-like demeanor. He was donated to EMBRACE after he developed arthritis in his knee and could no longer handle the long backcountry trail rides that his owner and he had enjoyed doing together. Well-loved and cared for, his previous owners wanted to ensure he would have lighter duty activity in a good home. Beamer came to live with EMBRACE volunteers Dorine and Steve Feldhausen, who accepted all financial and physical responsibilities and provided the loving care Beamer deserved. He started being used in EMBRACE horse sessions almost immediately and did an amazing job loving on the women and children who came to participate.
After a while, Beamer’s arthritis progressed and he needed more expensive treatment to keep him comfortable. This became too large of a financial commitment for the Feldhausen’s to maintain and EMBRACE didn't have the funds to pay for Beamer’s care. In order to provide the best care for such a loving horse, a tough decision was made to place Beamer in a new home.
Beamer left a smile with all those who worked with him, and for those who remember him still, the smile remains. He is thought of often in our “Choices” session, as he is the cover model horse that is painted on our bean bag game board aptly labeled, “Beans for Beamer."

Appendix | Quarter Horse ~ Palomino Gelding ~ DOB: 2005
Appendix | Quarter Horse ~ Palomino Gelding ~ DOB: 2005
Sonny moved to North Idaho from California and joined EMBRACE shortly after its inception in 2015. A willing and cheerful horse, Sonny was always willing to help participants with mucking or carrying tools from one side of the pasture to the other! A sure-footed boy, Sonny always took care of his rider.
Always an entertainer, Sonny was often seen in his paddock tossing his big stuffed Tiger around or chasing a ball in the arena. His favorite treats were peppermints and he thoroughly enjoyed searching the pockets of passersby for any treats they were holding out on him. Sonny also was a rodeo queen horse!
Sonny retired from EMBRACE in 2019 and now is happy keeping his owner company on the trails.

Paint ~ Gelding ~ DOB: 1998
Paint ~ Gelding ~ DOB: 1998
Mickey was one of those horses who had been there and done that. He and his owner served with a mounted division of the volunteer police department in southern California and is one of the most sure-footed horses on the trail and he loved to explore the mountains. He was solid and confident for EMBRACE participants and was a valuable asset to our ministry.
Mickey retired from EMBRACE in 2019 and is now enjoying life as a trail horse in a new home in southern California once again.

Quarter Horse ~ Dun Gelding ~ DOB: 2007
Quarter Horse ~ Dun Gelding ~ DOB: 2007
JD was a rodeo horse before he came to EMBRACE. Always ready for a good ride, JD enjoyed being a steady mount for EMBRACE participants.
JD remains in north Idaho with his owner and enjoys exploring the trails and participating in the occasional trail, western, and ranch clinic.

Mustang, Three Fingers HMA | Mare | DOB: 2015 | 15.1 Hands
Mustang, Three Fingers HMA | Mare | DOB: 2015 | 15.1 Hands
Nara was born in the wild in Oregon in 2015. She was rounded up and entered into a teen challenge in Oregon where she was trained for the teen division and took second place overall. She was adopted from the challenge in the auction that followed the competition.
Nara quickly joined EMBRACE where, little did she know, her wild heart would resonate with the wild hearts of hurting teenagers and women who come to EMBRACE for love and encouragement. She had a wild start, but she became a gentle girl who loved to be loved on.
Nara served a wonderful season with EMBRACE before she went south to Nampa where she now enjoys life in the pasture and on the trails with a loving family.

Quarter Horse | Buttermilk Buckskin, Gelding | DOB: 1998 | 14.2 Hands
Quarter Horse | Buttermilk Buckskin, Gelding | DOB: 1998 | 14.2 Hands
I was trained as a healer roping horse, but never had an opportunity to “perform” as my owner was a little too big for me. I was bought in 2004 by my current owners! I'm a very sweet boy and have never tried to kick or bite. My biggest issues are due to my tremendous fears. I used to be really reactive but the owners I have today spent the first couple of years with me helping me to respond to fears less explosively. I do a lot better now!
I'm very willing and will pretty much go and do whatever you ask of me. I'll go through water, over fallen trees, through mud... I've even jumped off a five foot wall and climbed a rock for my mom!
I turn 23 in 2020 and I still have a tremendous “get up and go.” I even had to have my diet changed because I was losing teeth, and yet I still found I have a lot more energy to give! I'm pretty herd bound, especially with my life-long love, Lacey. Whenever I ride with other horses I like to hook up to one and they become my best friend for the ride. I'm a big love, not a fighter, and I love all the attention I get from the ladies at EMBRACE!

Kentucky Mountain Gated Horse | Tabiano, Gelding | DOB: 2005 | 15.3 Hands
Kentucky Mountain Gated Horse | Tabiano, Gelding | DOB: 2005 | 15.3 Hands
My name is Robi, and I was born in Jackson, Kentucky. My mom brought me home from Las Vegas to her ranch in Coeur d'Alene. We spend lots of time riding in national forests, state parks, and our friend's cattle ranch. I don't like cattle. Never did, never will. Me and my mom have an agreement: she doesn't make me work cattle, and I have promised not to freak out around them to keep her safe. I worked my way up in the herd, from the newcomer (she had a couple of big mules and another saddle horse), to her current main man. The only time she rides that 'other' horse is when I've logged so many trail miles that I need a break.
Mom considers me a gift from God; a tool she can use to help spread His Word. I consider myself to be one of God's heavenly warriors. If a rider is nervous or insecure, I understand those feelings because I've felt them myself. It took the love and faith of my mom, and the patience of the trainers who worked with me to help me conquer my fear of those fire breathing cows. I can show you how to suppress your fears and build confidence. I can be as patient with you as my mom and trainers were with me. I consider myself proof that anyone can succeed with the right support system. Mom and I are both excited to begin our ministry with EMBRACE, and are looking forward to sharing the love God has for all of us.

American Paint Horse | Bay Tobiano Mare | DOB: 1997 | 15.2 Hands
American Paint Horse | Bay Tobiano Mare | DOB: 1997 | 15.2 Hands
I am as rock solid as they come. Most mares are considered moody but I'm the same quiet and steady girl three hundred and sixty five days of the year, 24/7 and has been since I came into my family on Valentine's Day in 2005. I love trail rides, gathering cows and barrel racing. I'm very sweet and I love being groomed so much that I sometimes fall asleep while being brushed!
My even temperament usually makes me a prime choice for first time riders. I can't wait to meet you!

Mustang, Warm Springs HMA | Bay, Mare | DOB: 2015 | 16 Hands
Zilla came to us when she was five years old with some basic skills like wearing a halter and picking up her feet but it didn't take much to get her trained! She has been a gentle giant from day one!
Her first ride was bareback in a construction zone with saws, drills and heavy machinery making every noise you can think of behind her and above her head. She didn't bat an eye and that steadfast personality has carried on ever since. Though Zilla still has a lot to learn under saddle she trusts with her whole heart and listens very closely to her rider. She's kind but strong, willing to take directions if you can show her you know what you want, but strong enough to take care of her rider if she can tell they're not so sure where they want to go.
Zilla's favorite things are being brushed, being cuddled in her pen when you come to muck and eating! She is a treasure friend around the barn and we can't wait for you to meet her!