The POST: A New Monthly Newsletter!
Do you want to know what's happening with EMBRACE and don't want to have to check your Facebook and Instagram feeds? Get the highlights with our monthly newsletter! Simply sign up by clicking on our "About Us" section of our website (or click on the picture above) and submit your name and e-mail to be added to the list. You will receive a monthly newsletter that will have the following:
- An article giving you the most recent news about what's happening in our ministry, including special certifications and training we're getting, and offering, to better serve the community
- A "Golden Moment" photograph highlighting a very special moment during one of our sessions that took place in the last 30 days
- A "Becoming Partners" Training Tip from one of our horse session leaders who have a combined experience of more than 100 years in horsemanship
- A Testimony from one of our participants and/or supporters
- A Needs list providing specific information about where we need the most support
- Details about upcoming events, such as the horse day camps we're putting on this summer!
And much more!
We're so grateful for your support and we'd love to keep you informed with what's happening with the ministry. Your partnership is essential to the impact made on the community, and you are highly valued by us all! Whether you offer your prayers, practical materials or direct funds, every bit counts toward helping us help others and we want you to know exactly how you're making an impact with us!
The following is an article from our March Newsletter. Want to know what's in the rest of the newsletter? Sign up here and receive it directly in your inbox!
EMBRACE is Getting EAP Certified!
Since 2015 EMBRACE has operated to help participants bring relationships alive through a Christ-centered experience. The experiences provided by our ministry has been largely Holy Spirit led through sessions designed by staff with decades of horse experience and discipleship. While our methods have been highly effective, the continual flow of participants with dual mental diagnosis and in various stages of substance abuse recovery has led our staff to seek higher training in order to better serve future participants with even more intentionality.
There are several variations of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, or EAP, and not all of them are the same. Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) and the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH) are among the largest and most popular associations, but EMBRACE has elected to take a different, though equally reputable, avenue more appropriate for our ministry and mission.
After extensive research and interviews, EMBRACE has elected to obtain the Faith-Based Equine Assisted Philosophies (FBEAP) certification through Unbridled Faith, similar to our sister ministry, Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Bend, Oregon.
This EAP model offers ground and certain mounted exercises, as well as experiential healing, deliverance, communication, team building, and personal growth experiences. FBEAP offers techniques to teach individuals how to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Equine nonverbal communication, herd behavior, and equine development demonstrate successful interaction as an example for human relations.
We are elated the founder of FBEAP, Elaine Davis, has accepted our offer to host a seminar. We are even more excited to open this opportunity for certification to the public! There is no physical or educational pre-requisite to attend this seminar and receive this certification, but currently there is no option to audit the seminar. The seminar will take place over three full days: July 19, 20 and 21.
EMBRACE has operated under a 100% volunteer staff since its inception in 2015. Due to our limited budget, we are holding a fundraiser in order to increase the opportunity for all our horse session leaders to obtain this certification. The more volunteer staff who can provide this certified therapeutic service to participants, the more people we can serve.
More details about the fundraiser and the certification program will be in our April newsletter, so be sure to join our mailing list to get those updates!