Adjusting to Growth and Change
Every year each of us experiences degrees of change. Some change feels good, some feels bad, but most change is uncomfortable. In the...
Redirecting an Addicts Identity
Most people who walk into addiction have no intention of becoming an addict. The reason many turn to drugs and alcohol, or any addiction,...
EMBRACE: Officially EAP Certified
Men and women from all over the United States came to north Idaho to participate in Unbridled’s Faith Based Equine Assisted Philosophies...
Horse Day Camp Debut Large Success
EMBRACE’s first horse day camp fundraiser began with a whirlwind of excitement and sunny skies. The freshly dragged arena demanded fresh...
EMBRACE Is Getting EAP Certified!
Since 2015 EMBRACE has operated to help participants bring relationships alive through a Christ-centered experience. The experiences...
Press In and Buckle Up
Our ministry and operational staff took a road trip down to Bend, Oregon to attend Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch Jesus First ministry...
It's Not About the Horse
EMBRACE is not about the horse. EMBRACE is about what the horse is going to teach you about yourself and your relationships. Particularly...
The First Day
There's something about the smell of a barn. Somehow the compilation of horses, hay, manure and dirt creates a stew for the nose that...