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Welcome to the Team

The last couple of months EMBRACE has seen a spike in our volunteers, and we are ecstatic! Since our team is without a paid staff, everyone (including the board members) is a volunteer, it’s no small thing when people decide to commit the most valuable asset they have to God’s work through our ministry: their time.

This month we want to highlight several of our newest volunteers, one of whom is a new board member! Elizabeth Comfort resides in Oregon where she is currently the Financial Director for a mid-sized city. After visiting north Idaho in August and getting an opportunity to see EMBRACE in action, she said:

“The love the team showered on (the girls) was not lost. There are friendships and relationships growing and earnest prayers for each of them from the hearts of the EMBRACE team, which I believe those girls carried back. To know that there is someone who loves you and wants to share hope of peace and joy definitely has an impact, maybe small at the time, though so real. And for this time in the presence of believers weekly, or maybe just once, in a young girls life can make such a difference.”

For nearly twenty-five years Elizabeth has helped non-profits, for-profits, and government entities to be successful in their mission through strong finances. Elizabeth says, “Serving on the board is a way I can provide guidance and support from my experience (budget writing, reports, brainstorming, and in prayer). There are opportunities for EMBRACE to reach so many and there is always a financial component to growth, and just to continue current efforts. My prayer is that I can support the stability and reach of these offerings to those who need to feel God’s love. As I listen and learn of the desires for areas of growth and direction my hope is my financial background contribution will be blessed.”

In addition to our new board member, we also have two new session leaders in training: Jayne Erickson and Narcissa Yelland! We’re so grateful for their willingness to commit their time to sharing the love and good news of Jesus Christ with those we serve. It’s beautiful seeing how God is taking the talents, skills and gifts He’s given them and nurtured over the years, put to use for His glory and the good of others.

If you’re interested in volunteering with EMBRACE, whether you’d like to commit to weekly sessions or simply lend a hand during special events, please let us know! Jesus took five loaves of bread and two fish to feed more than five thousand people. Sometimes all God wants is for us to offer what we have—no matter how small—and watch him multiply it.

Our season serving the public will be wrapping up the week before Thanksgiving but we will continue staff training through the winter. Contact our volunteer coordinator for more information.

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  • Embrace Equine Ministry
Athol, Idaho
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