Pinkerton Retirement Specialists Sponsoring EMBRACE Gala
There is a growing need in Kootenai county, and Pinkerton Retirement Services is sponsoring a gala dinner for EMBRACE Equine Ministry to...

The Power of Relationship
It’s been nearly one year since our nation shut down in response to COVID-19. States have responded in a variety of ways to the pandemic...
Closing the Season
2019 has been a year of many firsts for EMBRACE. As we close our season, this author finds herself reflecting on those firsts. Any door...
Welcome to the Team
The last couple of months EMBRACE has seen a spike in our volunteers, and we are ecstatic! Since our team is without a paid staff,...

For the One
Every week a van pulls into the parking lot and out pile a handful or two of teenage girls. If they’re new, their faces are tight with...

EMBRACE: Officially EAP Certified
Men and women from all over the United States came to north Idaho to participate in Unbridled’s Faith Based Equine Assisted Philosophies...

Horse Day Camp Debut Large Success
EMBRACE’s first horse day camp fundraiser began with a whirlwind of excitement and sunny skies. The freshly dragged arena demanded fresh...

Kootenai County Blooms with Generosity
Flowers burst from their baskets in a kaleidoscope of color on the warm, spring afternoon of Friday, May 10th. EMBRACE staff hurried to...

Equine Ministry Changing Lives in North Idaho
God has blessed and stretched our ministry in amazing ways during the last twelve months. We matured our partnership with the Union...

A Step Forward - We've Gone Mobile!
“Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the...